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Senin, 22 September 2014

Tugas Bahasa Ingggris

Prasetyo Wijanarko
Manajemen Informatika 2B

The Jokos Family

Let me introduce my self, my name is Wijanarko Prasetyo. I am currently studying at
Polytechnic of Lampung . Previously I was a graduate student SMA 1 Gadingrejo , Pringsewu.
My father’s name is Joko Widiyatno and my mother’s name is Apriyanti. I have one younger
sister, she is Enggar Fibiyaningtyas. Currently my parents live in Perum Kopkar Dwi Karya,
way pengubuan, Central Lampung with my sister.

My father worked as an employee and my mother is a housewife. My sister is currently
studying in grade 4 elementary schools in lempuyang city. My dad has one older brother, one
younger sister, and one younger brother. The uncle of my father's name is Rudi and Widyanto,
while the aunt of my father's name is Dewi. Grandfather of my father's name is Sukino and my
grandmother name is Paikem. They all live in Sragen, Central Java.
While my mother was 4th child of 6 siblings. My mother had three brothers namely
Lilik, Totok, and Yuni. And has two sisters namely Hasnani and Dini Listiani. Most of my
mother's sister lived in Central Lampung, and the rest are in Gadingrejo, Pringsewu.
Grandfather from my mother's name is Riyanto Hadi Pranoto , and my grandmother's name
was Sartini .
I currently live with my uncle in Pringsewu Lili Agustono .  My uncle has one child
that is Kristian Adi Putra . She is a graduate student of English Education , University of
Lampung , and completed his master's program at the University of Arizona , United State .

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